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NERCHA Overview

The National Emergency Response Council on HIV and AIDS (NERCHA) is a government parastatal that was established in 2001 through an Act of Parliament to provide leadership in the coordination and facilitation of the multi-sectoral emergency response to HIV and AIDS in Eswatini.

We coordinate the National Multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS response by creating an environment that supports effective service delivery of HIV services to the people of the Kingdom of Eswatini. We work in partnership with multi-sectoral stakeholders including Government ministries, Non-governmental Organisations, Development Partners, HIV sectors, and Regional structures.  The coordination occurs at two levels:

a) National coordination that is conducted at different levels by different partners; and

b) Decentralized coordination that occurs at two levels; regional coordination and sector coordination.


We implement this role through facilitating and coordinating the implementation of National Multi-Sectoral Strategic Framework’s and their monitoring Frameworks under the auspices of the internationally endorsed ‘Three Ones Principles’ for HIV and AIDS coordination.

Natonal Vision For The HIV Response

“An AIDS-Free Eswatini”.

NERCHA Vision Statement

"To be an organisation of choice committed to delivery of high impact services."

NERCHA Mission Statement

“To provide leadership for the national multi-sectoral response to HIV/AIDS and related services by creating an enabling environment that supports efficient and effective service delivery to the people of Eswatini.”

NERCHA Core Values - T....I....P

  • Teamwork: Collaboration, interdependence, responsive, working with passion.

  • Integrity: Accountable, transparent, ethical, honest, truthfulness, reliability, veracity.

  • Professionalism:   Accepting responsibility, leading by example, innovative, courageous, focused on efficiency and continous improvement, skill, expertise, competence, initiative / self-starter.